Successfully negotiated a medical office building lease for use as an imaging and care center.

Successfully obtained approval for numerous hotels in St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach.

Successfully won at trial on a construction lien claim for an unpaid contractor.

Successfully obtained approval for several condominium projects in St. Augustine.

Successfully defended a deficiency judgment brought by a lender after the statute of limitations expired.

Successfully obtained Historic Architectural Review Board approval for the demolition of a historically designated structure with no true architectural value in the City of St. Augustine.

Successfully brought suit against insurance companies on behalf of hurricane flood victims in the St. Augustine area.

Successfully challenged fraudulent action and proved forgery claim on behalf of client in a probate matter.

Successfully obtained approval for numerous mini-warehouse and self-storage facilities in St. Johns County.

Successfully won a partition action concerning commercial property and forced physical division of property where joint owner wanted to force sale.

Successfully obtained approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Planned Unit Development for a National Home Builder for the construction of 100 lots in an area that was formerly considered Rural in northwest St. Johns County.

Successfully closed numerous real estate transactions and loans measuring in the 100’s of millions for St. Augustine, St. Augustine Beach and Ponte Vedra properties.

Successfully obtained approval of permits for a controversial gas station location in St. Augustine.

Successfully negotiated a development agreement for a group of 14 developers for roadway improvements on State Road 207 in St. Augustine.

Successfully appealed St. Johns County’s denial of rezoning applications for numerous projects.

Successfully reversed trial court decisions on appeal in numerous civil litigation cases.  

Successfully litigated a high value probate matter in St. Augustine where the estate was disputed.

Successfully obtained approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment on State Road 16 in St. Augustine for development of a new Planned Unit Development.

Successfully obtained a temporary injunction on an emergency basis for a homeowner’s association seeking to enforce its covenants in Ponte Vedra Beach.

Successfully litigated a partnership dispute involving multimillion dollar investment properties in St. Johns County.

Successfully obtained approval for an 800 unit residential subdivision in St. Augustine.

Successfully obtained approval for multiple zoning variances to allow for the construction of a major grocery story in Vilano Beach.

Successfully obtained approval for a marina in St. Augustine.

Successfully obtained a small scale comprehensive plan amendment for an infill residential development near Wildwood Drive in St. Augustine.

Successfully defended a business dispute at trial concerning the sale of a restaurant on King Street in St. Augustine.

Successfully defended a local government against claims that the local government was violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Successfully negotiated multi-million dollar lease agreements for the St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority.

Successfully helped numerous St. Augustine and Ponte Vedra clients client renegotiate and modify home mortgages in an effort to restructure debt.

Successfully obtained approval for a major gas station chain’s new location in St. Augustine and obtained an amendment to the St. Johns County Land Development Code to allow for digital sign for fuel pricing.

Successfully obtained approval for an assisted living facility in Ponte Vedra Beach after obtaining a rehearing on a prior denial.

Successfully defended citizens on contingency against SLAPP suits.